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Well, I guess the headlines are - I am a Level 3 Qualified PT, Online Coach & Nutrition Consultant 😊

But Sean, how did you get there? We want to know everything!

I’m very sorry to disappoint, but my essay writing skills are about as good as my conversational Spanish……..barely passable! “Disculpa” ( yes… I googled “sorry in Spanish”)

Let’s start at the start shall we. As a kid I was fascinated with the human body and how it worked. I had encyclopaedias, pop up books, colouring in charts the lot! Apart from that one time I wanted to be a horse (I was like 3), I always said if I didn’t make it as a professional footballer, I’d want to either be a sports physio or a Coach. Having been in and around sport my whole life and have competed & played at various levels in Martial Arts, Football, Badminton, Cricket & Tennis,  I found I could never pick just one to focus on, so I just became awesome at them all.!!!!  I kid… I was never that good at tennis 😊

But as the injuries started to become more frequent, and I started to lose my blistering..... (slight exaggeration there)....... pace, I started to take strength and conditioning / weight training more seriously, and my goals became more and more based on performance in the gym.

It didn’t take long for that interest in the human body I had as a kid to come flooding back, and this time with the added area of exploration – Nutrition.

Fast forward to now, I’ve spent the past decade wading through the fads, the quick fixes, the magic pills and the photoshopped pictures of the fitness industry so that you don’t have too!!

If you have gotten this far and still aren’t sure if you want to work with me (errmm go back and read it again…) In all seriousness, drop me a message on the contact form and let’s make today the day you took the first step to reach your goals!



Online Coaching Packages! 

What you'll will get from me:


The Package


I will work with you to create a bespoke exercise/training program for you to follow , that is completely tailored to achieve your goals! You will get detailed explanations of each exercise and a video demo of every exercise within the programme. 


I'll monitor your nutrient (food) intake, and make adjustments/recommendations each week.


"Sean, that sounds amazing, where do i sign" 


hold on a sec, there is more....


The programme will be accessible via your own client area - you can have each workout on your phone/tablet/laptop etc, via my website or via the app, which will allow you to follow each session and record every rep and set as you go. This will give you solid visualisation on what you need to do within the session, each session. 


Recording (notation, not filming... you'd be surprised on how many people query that lol) workouts this way will also allow me to monitor how you are doing, as i get an update when each session is completed. After a workout is submitted, if needed you will get (training day) feedback from me to keep you on track and accountable. 


Your client area is where you will find your program once it's been uploaded, and you can also use this space to keep track of your stats, upload progress photos and contact me with any questions you might have.  


With the package you will get weekly check-ins with me on Sunday's where we can review the week. This is both inside and outside of training i,e sleep, nutrition, mood, motivation, routine, barriers etc. We will look at the programme, discuss likes and dislikes in exercise selection, and make adjustments if we need to and we can also discuss the coming week. 

Online 4 Weeks

Online 3 MOnth Transformation

4 Week Training Block - £120 

No obligation after 4 weeks, if you want to continue working with me after the first 4 weeks then cool, if not, then that's cool too, as you will now have a grasp of the foundations to build on moving forward.

12 Week Package  - £300

Here we can really focus on laying the foundations of a successful transformation down. You will get clear set goals to hit short, medium and long term. I will work with you to map out your progression throughout the process taking all of the guesswork out of it!

Online 6 MOnth Transformation

6 Month Package  - £600

You will get everything from the above package with an additional 12 weeks coaching, support & accountability, to ensure that your transformation is ongoing and is sustained. We can set new goals and reach even higher levels of success!!

Fitness Equipments

Client Feedback 

""I personally find it hard to get to the gym or commit to classes, so Sean Lee's online coaching worked well for me! I told him my goals, availability and what (little) equipment i have at home and he put together a programme for me for 4 weeks which i followed 3 times a week and loved! With access to a portal that showed me how to do the exercise and Sean available to give me pointers when needed too, I never really felt alone and with weekly check-ins with Sean this kept me motivated to stay on track! I recommend this to anyone thinking of signing up!" "


January 10, 2021

""I've been with Sean for a few months now. I contacted him via Instagram @seanleept after seeing other people results. I've been using the gym for years but never really experienced proper results. It's brilliant to have a food and exercise guide, which have given me the results Id hoped for but didn't expect so quickly.

He dealt with my previous injury and modified my workouts accordingly. He's also dealt with my odd eating habits and ridiculous shift pattern. All in all an excellent experience, a really good, knowledgeable guy and results I'm more than happy with""


October 2020

""I have been using Sean Lee as my Personal Trainer online for a few months now and I am so pleased with my experience, Sean works hard to establish my training needs and my programme is personal to me (including some stretching as I suffer with tight hips!) He checked in with me which helps as i can sometimes fall off the wagon. I highly recommend Sean, I have lost over 4 inches from my waist, I feel fitter and healthier and I now enjoy exercise""

Online Client 

December 2020

Get In Touch Today 

Thanks for submitting!

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